I hate my legs. I've always been insecure about those damn things. They've always been my if-i-could-do-magic-i'd-make-them-disappear thing.
I laid in his arms when I saw him looking at my legs and I felt so vulnerable. Really, I felt so little at that moment. He kept watching them and my heart start beating faster and faster...
And in a sudden he looked me in the eye and said 'It's not normal, your legs are so beautiful' I looked at him like 'what a fool'. He told me 'No, really... they're so... don't even know... but they're so beautiful'.
Having a lover who does not know your insecures but does complements them is awesome. You all should have a lover like this.
Having a lover who does not know your insecures but does complements them is awesome. You all should have a lover like this.
Ah dat is zo lief! Ik vind mijn benen ook kut, maar ik weet mijn vriendjes altijd zo uit te kiezen dat ik ze alleen maar kutter ga vinden. :')